Howdy ‘n Betty

Synesthesia – Blending of the Senses

Early today I was watching a reporter from Sunday Morning, one of my favorite television shows, interview Michael Kalish, the now famous “license artist.” (creative, original, and fascinating – As I listened to the dialogue, I was surprised to hear that Michael was color-blind. This thought took flight. Back-up almost ten years to a high school prom.

 A highlight of the high school years’ experience is the prom. The day, not unlike, the day of one’s wedding, in the pampering that occurs. A dress must be selected that is just the right fit, color, and price range. Shoes may need to be dyed to match if you are not lucky enough to find a pair off the shelf. Hair styles and manicures may call for appointments. After hour functions must be decided along with means of transportation. I clearly remember one of our daughter’s experiences (on her birthday no less). After all the pictures, and there were many, we sent the pair off. Shortly before midnight she returned to change clothes. Walking in the door with her date, she stood chatting with us about the theme, the music and the dresses of her friends. She was bubbly and expressive. Sharing her excitement, I inquired who was chosen as Prom Queen and Prom King. She couldn’t hide her grin, and only said, “Took you long enough to notice.” There was a crown on her head to be sure. She just laughed. The King was not her date but another friend. This friend happens to be color blind. I remember thinking how he would have “seen” the colors around him.

 This thought easily directed me to my next thought which was – how do we know any of us are really seeing the same degree of color… my blue the same shade as yours? Sure we can say “bright blue,” but who determines the “brightness”? This, in turn, made me think of a rare phenomenon of the human mind called synesthesia. Synesthesia is a blending of two or more of the senses.

 For more information, read an article entitled: Hearing Colors, Tasting Shapes found in the magazine, Scientific American.

Jennifer Maite, a teacher, speaks from experience and has put together an interesting and informative website.  

If you are one that has synesthesia, here is a great site to share your experiences and those of others.    

Funny the paths our thoughts take.

July 15, 2007 Posted by | blending of senses, color blind, license plates, Michael Kalish, synesthesia, Uncategorized | Leave a comment